Glasses care - everything you should know!

Eyeglasses are a medical device, thanks to which we see clearly, but also more and more often - a fashionable accessory that adds charm to the entire styling. We can even say that glasses are the most important of all accessories, because we put them on the face. The eyes are the first part of the face to which we pay attention when we getting to know a new person.

Warto poświęcać swoim okularom codziennie tyle samo czasu, co swoim oczom. Po pierwsze - ze względów estetycznych, a po drugie - ze względów zdrowotnych.

The eyes are the first part of the face to which we pay attention when we getting to know a new person. You should spend as much time with your glasses every day as you do with your eyes. Firstly - for aesthetic reasons, and secondly - for health reasons. The glasses correct the refractive error and protect against UV radiation, but also protect our eyes from unfavorable weather conditions.

Warto więc dbać codziennie o swoje okulary, myjąc je pod bieżącą letnią wodą z odrobiną zwykłego mydła w płynie lub - najlepiej - z odrobiną płynu do mycia naczyń. Nasze okulary nie są z cukru i dzięki tym zabiegom się nie roztopią, nie zniszczą czy też nie zejdzie z nich farba. Dodatkowo warto przeznaczyć specjalną szczoteczkę (np. taką samą jak do mycia zębów, z włosiem typu soft), którą będziemy usuwać brud z metalowych nanośników (czyli popularnych „nosków). Myjemy nie tylko soczewki i nanośniki, ale także zauszniki okularów, na których codzienne zbierają się kropelki potu. Pot ma kwaśny odczyn i brak odpowiedniej pielęgnacji okularów może doprowadzić np. do matowienia zauszników.

So let's take care of your glasses every day by washing them under running lukewarm water with a little plain liquid soap or - preferably - with a little drop of dish soap.. Our glasses are not made of sugar and thanks to these treatments they do not melt, damage or detach from the varnish.

Additionally, it is worth assigning a special brush (e.g. the same brush as for brushing teeth, with soft bristles) that will remove dirt from metal tips (i.e. popular "noses). sweat drops, sweat is acidic, and the lack of proper care of glasses can cause, for example, tarnishing on the temples.

After washing the glasses, wipe them with a dry and soft cloth. During the day, we use a special liquid purchased from an optician or microfiber wipes to clean the glasses. However, what is important, we do not wash microfiber wipes, because then they will lose their properties. When we find that our handkerchief has just expired, we buy a new one. Moreover, there are activities that should be absolutely avoided when taking care of glasses. First of all, we do not dry clean the glasses / lenses with toilet paper or a paper towel, because we can scratch the surface of the lens by rubbing the particles that are on the surface of our glasses with dry paper.

You should also avoid special wet wipes bought in drugstores or supermarkets guarantee perfectly clean glasses. Very often, as we observe in our everyday practice, the liquid contained in such wipes cracks the anti-reflective layer on the surface of eyeglass lenses. Unfortunately, such a lens cannot be repaired anymore and needs to be replaced. Finally, one more important note - if you do not want your temples to become dull and unsightly stains appear on them, do not wear glasses in the sauna. Take care of your eyes and… glasses every day 

Jolanta Deka-Boruszewska


ul. Piastowska 1A
58-200 Dzierżoniów

phone 74 832 33 21
phone 74 832 30 73
ophthalmic registration: 74 815 56 64

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